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How to Obtain and Why You Need an Investment Certificate for Your Business

All business sectors in Rwanda are open to private investment, regardless of the investor’s origin. However, investors are encouraged to invest in priority economic sectors such as export, manufacturing, energy generation, transmission and distribution, information and communication technologies, business process outsourcing and financial services, mining, transport, and affordable housing, among others.

The Investment Law of 2021 defines an Investment Certificate as a document issued by the Board to a registered investor, detailing the facilitation the investor is entitled to based on the investment made. To be recognized as a registered investor in Rwanda, one must possess an Investment Certificate. This certificate is valid for five years and can be renewed.

The requirements for applying for an Investment Certificate include:

  1. An application letter
  2. Application fees
  3. A business plan
  4. A company certificate and full registration information
  5. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report, if available

The application is submitted online to the Rwanda Development Board.

The Investment Law of 2021 also provides various investment incentives for registered investors with an Investment Certificate who meet the requirements. These incentives, detailed in the annex of the Investment Law of 2021, are granted to different investors depending on the type and level of their investment. Some of these incentives include:

  • Preferential Corporate Income Tax of 0%
  • Exemption from customs taxes and duties in export processing zones
  • Preferential Withholding Tax of 5%
  • Incentives for startups
  • Talent attraction incentives
  • Immigration incentives


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